Have A Look

Friday, March 25, 2011


Some pupils are very hardworking.They always do what they are asked to do.Some would bring dictionaries to school.So ,whenever , there are new vocabulary, they would refer to their dictionaries but the funniest thing is that these pupils do not know how to choose the best meanings to the words they found. They don't know whether it is a noun,adjective or verb.And some of them would take any meanings as long as there is a meaning to it

One day, there was a feast at school during the Muslim month of MUHARAM. The Muslims would gather and make a porridge called  BUBUR ASYURA. At the same time the teachers asked the students to speak in English to communicate as to practise the language. One boy proudly took the saddle and said" Teacher,let me disturb the BUBUR ASYURA..

The boy had looked into his dictionary the meaning of KACAU( disturb). The Malays used to say KACAU when you want to STIR  something....kacau in malay would give 2 meanings:  a. When you want to stir something or  2. when you disturb something or somebody.


  1. yes...he is going to disturb that bubur...kalau dok biaq kat dia lama-lama disturb sungguh makan satgi!

  2. salam kenal.. rajin2, ziarahlah blog hamba (AKU SEBUTIR PASIR) kalau nak baca pengalaman hamba travelling ke 45 buah negara.. :)

  3. Mualaikum salam Dr Mohd Jaznarul...gembira dpt lawat blog anda...rasanya saya perlu masa 3 ari baru akan selesai baca semua tulisan ,pemandangan dlln dlm blog anda.Anyway,thanks 4 giving me your blog address.....Saya akan terus baca dan baca.....

  4. Nad,have you heard of a joke between one Mat Salleh and a durian seller.It goes like this:

    Mat Salleh learnt Malay from Northern people..Northern people pronounce BAHU( Shoulder) as BAU.....so,they told this Mat Salleh we have 2 BAH,left and right Bau.

    One day,he went to buy durians....so..the durian seller told hi...SEDAP ni tapi BAU dia teruk sikit...
    This Mat Salleh was confused...imagining that DURIANS also possess Shoulders.....!!!!!!...

    "How come...this is BAU and that is also BAU ( pointing the durians)
